
19 Male
CEO Canithesis Interactive, sysadmin Worlio LLC
wipEout and THE FINALS fan
Linux enthusiast, Java / C# / C++ Dev
Old computer freak, FSF donor
Missouri, United States

I made the Firestar Mod Manager for Playstation Vita. Currently working on a danmaku shooter game called "Time Falcon". My posts can range anywhere from deep nerd thoughts to brainless shitposting.

Followers of all kinds welcome - just be respectful. We respect the first amendment here. That being said, I do not get along well with Nazis or weird conspiracy theorists so be nice.
Embark IDmadaraosenpai#5926

42 following 26 followers

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xianc78 boosted

bonkmaykr » Oh, incase I forgot to tell you guys, I'm porting this thing to the Amiga, whoops! The plan originally was to wait. The engine will have to be partially rewritten but I'm reusing the same code. I decided since all the non-graphics related code will be the same anyway I would just start porting the unfinished piece now and develop both versions side by side.
