
19 Male
CEO Canithesis Interactive, sysadmin Worlio LLC
wipEout and THE FINALS fan
Linux enthusiast, Java / C# / C++ Dev
Old computer freak, FSF donor
Missouri, United States

I made the Firestar Mod Manager for Playstation Vita. Currently working on a danmaku shooter game called "Time Falcon". My posts can range anywhere from deep nerd thoughts to brainless shitposting.

Followers of all kinds welcome - just be respectful. We respect the first amendment here. That being said, I do not get along well with Nazis or weird conspiracy theorists so be nice.
Embark IDmadaraosenpai#5926

42 following 26 followers

2 ★ 0 ↺

bonkmaykr »

The plan for tomorrow

bonkmaykr boosted

Hourly Coyotes »

Hourly Coyotes Presents:

    bonkmaykr boosted

    Hourly Coyotes »

    Hourly Coyotes Presents:

      bonkmaykr boosted

      Foxes Every Hour » 🤖

      Via flickr (Francois Boucher)
      #Fox #Bot

        bonkmaykr boosted

        Hourly Coyotes »

        Hourly Coyotes Presents:

          bonkmaykr boosted

          zonk »

          3 ★ 1 ↺
          xianc78 boosted

          bonkmaykr »

          New floppy drive :) Now I just gotta wait for the IDE adapter to arrive. And find something to cover up that ugly gap...

          bonkmaykr boosted

          HunDriverWidow »

          bonkmaykr boosted

          WalterKühl »


          white_male »



            WalterKühl »

            @white_male Works, until he finds cars moving at 5mph due works in the road

              ℭ𝔬𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫 »

              I once passed somebody via the shoulder because:

              1) it was a long road with a solid line almost the entire way.
              2) the speed limit was 55 and he rarely went above 40
              3) I was on my way to work


                Ghislaine🎅🏻☃️❄️ »

                @waltercool 5 lashes if he’s in the left lane on the highway


                  WalterKühl »

                  @Ghislaine I get those aßholes mostly at the right lane, or the middle lane at highways.

                    bonkmaykr boosted

                    Foxes Every Hour » 🤖

                    Via flickr (Mick Thompson)
                    #Fox #Bot

                    A red fox vanished halfway into a hole they dug or their den. Only some legs and the tail are left visible.

                    Alt...A red fox vanished halfway into a hole they dug or their den. Only some legs and the tail are left visible.

                      bonkmaykr boosted

                      Pissed Hippo »

                      I am going to make a cologne that invokes nostalgia, I am calling it LEAD GASOLINE

                      bonkmaykr boosted

                      Hourly Coyotes »

                      Hourly Coyotes Presents:

                        bonkmaykr boosted

                        Foxes Every Hour » 🤖

                        Own photo
                        #Fox #Bot

                        A slightly shaggy looking arctic fox sitting between some rocks, half winter and half summer fur. They look rather expectantly at something.

                        Alt...A slightly shaggy looking arctic fox sitting between some rocks, half winter and half summer fur. They look rather expectantly at something.

                          bonkmaykr boosted

                          Hourly Coyotes »

                          Hourly Coyotes Presents:

                            bonkmaykr boosted

                            cool_boy_mew »

                            This game is insane


                            The Loli Slavemaster »

                            @coolboymew Is this a modern-day Ninja Nanny?


                              cool_boy_mew »

                              @redneonglow I have never heard of that

                              It's Everhood 2. It came out today

                              1 was such an absolute banger that I bought this indie game day 1, that's how much of a banger 1 was


                                The Loli Slavemaster »

                                @coolboymew Ninja Nanny was an obscure Windows 3.1 game from the 90s that became an Internet meme because of how bizarre it was.



                                  cool_boy_mew »

                                  @redneonglow I might have seen this but christ do I not remember it

                                    Shouchou »

                                    @coolboymew @redneonglow Oh shit, seriously? I didn't think that game would get a sequel, considering its themes.


                                      cool_boy_mew »

                                      @Shouchou @redneonglow it's a tad controversial so far, it has an exp system and on field battles to enemies you beat several times, and quickly, instead of just spread unique battles. But there's still unique battles, so far

                                      But I'm barely just out of the tutorial

                                      It seems to have a custom map function? So people can make their own campaign? Maybe? I know 1 supported custom battles, but that's something

                                        1 ★ 1 ↺
                                        xianc78 boosted

                                        bonkmaykr »

                                        Refactored half of the entire game engine today, turns out amiga-gcc does not support C++17. Halfway there to getting a working engine build (working meaning "it compiles", obviously the graphics will be broken out the gate)

                                        bonkmaykr boosted

                                        Vulcanic Lover »

                                        I stumbled onto Morbi on Bluesky. You know, the guy who drew the Hellmouth imp comic, then Poppy O'Possum, then cancelled Poppy and became a genderblob? Yeah, that Morbi. I took a look at his media tab and found:
                                        >fucked up porn
                                        >imp porn
                                        >fucked up porn
                                        >fucked up porn
                                        >mascot porn
                                        >fucked up porn

                                        I almost feel sorry for the guy.

                                        2 ★ 1 ↺
                                        xianc78 boosted

                                        bonkmaykr »

                                        Soooo the libnix library takes up 1.1 MB by itself and that means nothing I cross compile from Linux to AmigaOS will work on real hardware, save for the Amiga 1200, and realistically the 1200 will need lots of Fast RAM expansion to handle it. Yikes... 😬

                                        It also means I will need to fit the entire game within 300 KB or separate my boot + asset disks in order to even fit the game on a single floppy disk. Agh...

                                        The other alternative is rewriting all the standard library functions my game uses in 68000 assembly.

                                        1 ★ 1 ↺
                                        xianc78 boosted

                                        bonkmaykr »

                               Oh, incase I forgot to tell you guys, I'm porting this thing to the Amiga, whoops! The plan originally was to wait. The engine will have to be partially rewritten but I'm reusing the same code. I decided since all the non-graphics related code will be the same anyway I would just start porting the unfinished piece now and develop both versions side by side.

                                          bonkmaykr boosted

                                          Hourly Coyotes »

                                          Hourly Coyotes Presents:

                                            bonkmaykr boosted

                                            cream queen »

                                            bonkmaykr boosted

                                            Foxes Every Hour » 🤖

                                            Via flickr (Otwarte Klatki)
                                            #Fox #Bot

                                            An arctic fox with white fur running along a short cut patch of grass.

                                            Alt...An arctic fox with white fur running along a short cut patch of grass.

                                              7666 »

                                              come on guys. are we gonna have to invade again?


                                              Detective Costeau »

                                              @7666 could've been worse


                                              Detective Costeau »

                                              @7666 if anything the current US administration would put AfD in charge, they just love our brand of Russia-bootlicking neofascism


                                              7666 »

                                              @silhouette the average american is too busy freaking out about gas prices or eggs or trannies to grasp geopolitics and see the bigger picture. myopic doesn't even begin to describe it.

                                              my conspiracy theory is that it's supposed to be that way because it gives them a blank check to proceed. keep enough bread and circuses around so they don't riot but keep everyone on the last inch of their rope and they'll lash out at anything and anyone they can use to blame for their problems rather than the actual source.

                                              tap into that and you have an endless source of political energy because it's way easier to rule by fear than love. it always has been. we are dumb panicky animals backed into an economic corner and we're surprised our neighbors vote for the people who claim that they'll make their fears go away - even if we here know it's a bold faced lie.


                                                chilly branzino ☭ (final notice) »

                                                @7666 @silhouette culture war politics give something entertaining for the masses to rally on that do not affect the ruling class in the least. Both parties eagerly engage in culture warfare while the average wage declines, the prison industrial complex rages, and housing prices spiral out of control.

                                                Bourgeois democracy means your vote never mattered

                                                  bonkmaykr boosted

                                                  Hourly Coyotes »

                                                  Hourly Coyotes Presents:

                                                    Pawslut420 »

                                                    New Linux for people fighting online when

                                                    0 ★ 0 ↺

                                                    bonkmaykr »

                                           "Warrior Linux", featuring new AI assisted flamewar technology!

                                                      bonkmaykr boosted

                                                      foxbot » 🤖

                                                      bonkmaykr boosted

                                                      EconomicHitman »

                                                      Vote for SPW's favicon!

                                                      Most of these are Super Mario World (SMW) related to fit our theme, but if you have any other suggestion please post in the replies.

                                                      @Hyperhidrosis @coolboymew @nerthos @noyoushutthefuckupdad @sim @sun @why


                                                      starman :0
                                                      moon from SMW:0
                                                      Mario Odyssey moon:0
                                                      SPC's old "happy moon" :0
                                                      rainbow starman:0
                                                      Super Mushroom:0
                                                      Cape Feather:0
                                                      Something completely different (post suggestions in replies):0

                                                      Closes in 15:01:47:15

                                                        0 ★ 0 ↺

                                                        bonkmaykr »

                                                        closed instantly
                                                        tagged a bunch of random people


                                                          EconomicHitman »

                                                          Thanks for reposting!

                                                          No, poll did not close instantly. Ends in 3 weeks. Probably a federation problem making it look that way on your end.

                                                          Not a bunch of random people. Tagged everyone who participated in the original thread (retweeted in OP, see link)

                                                            bonkmaykr boosted

                                                            Foxes Every Hour » 🤖

                                                            Via flickr (Cloudtail the Snow Leopard)
                                                            #Fox #Bot

                                                              0 ★ 1 ↺
                                                              xianc78 boosted

                                                              bonkmaykr »


                                                              I am looking for an old laptop compatible with RHL7 (y2k) and MINIX 3. Nothing I own at the moment is sufficient.

                                                              I searched eBay for P2-class Thinkpads in decent condition but the Thinkpad enthusiast market has made those unaffordable to someone of my income, and I'm not very familiar with what other OEMs offered.

                                                              What is something cheap that anyone here has personal experience with and would suggest buying used?

                                                              My only requirement is that it's from before Y2K, and is from the pentium 1 through pentium 3 range, with an optical drive (readonly is fine). I'm aware lots of older laptops had ghosting issues so having a good LCD panel is a must, I can't be bothered with a VGA monitor/dongle. Do list the specs with your suggestions.

                                                              No desktops if you can help it, I have four of them in a single room already and the cables are becoming unmanageable.

                                                              Thank you in advance for the help.

                                                              bonkmaykr boosted

                                                              Foxes Every Hour » 🤖

                                                              Via flickr (Marlis Börger)
                                                              #Fox #Bot

                                                              A red fox lying in straw green plants n the background.

                                                              Alt...A red fox lying in straw green plants n the background.

                                                                bonkmaykr boosted

                                                                Mabelz »

                                                                  Sui »

                                                                  @ForbiddenDreamer @Decayable @Formerly_Trucks I'm guessing the badmins are gonna be too busy/unsettled for D2 for a while, but you want to run some shit later? I don't think we have to worry about the level gap too much as we've hit the endgame XP curve now, as long as we don't get too far ahead it should mostly just redistribute the XP to them until they catch back up again.


                                                                    The Forbidden Dreamer »

                                                                    @Sui @Decayable @Formerly_Trucks Yeah I'm down for a little fucking around, we can always grind them later if we have to


                                                                      The ShroomMother »

                                                                      Yeah we're not going to have the computers for at least a week and I don't know if we'll have space for both while we look for a place. My mom set up a desk but I don't think both our rigs can go on it lol I'll probably let Trucks set his up and use it for anything I need lmao


                                                                        The Forbidden Dreamer »

                                                                        @Decayable @Formerly_Trucks @Sui Just let trucks sit on your lap then?


                                                                          Zilla Icon Darby Rhodes ☁️ 🐉 »

                                                                          Im going to ask my 5'2 gf if my 6'4 self can sit on her lap

                                                                            bonkmaykr boosted

                                                                            beard »

                                                                            spiderman dances to everything

                                                                            bonkmaykr boosted

                                                                            Hourly Coyotes »

                                                                            Hourly Coyotes Presents:

                                                                              bonkmaykr boosted

                                                                              mushroom_soup »

                                                                              This guy thinks he's a genius btw

                                                                              bonkmaykr boosted

                                                                              foxbot » 🤖

                                                                              bonkmaykr boosted

                                                                              PossumEveryHour » 🤖

                                                                              bonkmaykr boosted

                                                                              Hourly Coyotes »

                                                                              Hourly Coyotes Presents:

                                                                                korgster boosted

                                                                                Groove Activator »

                                                                                mama luigi


                                                                                korgster »

                                                                                @c00lvibrations the early bird gets the worm
                                                                                Is it the bagel

                                                                                  bonkmaykr boosted

                                                                                  beard »

                                                                                  i've said this before but, 3000 iq hot dog tactic is to put the ketchup/mustard in the bun and then put the hot dog on top of it. much less mess that way. notably good for dudes with mustaches like myself.


                                                                                  Rehn »

                                                                         but that affects the whole flavor! And makes the inside of the bun soggg! ​​ ​


                                                                                    beard »

                                                                                    @RehnyNytes256 if your bun isn't soggy from meat juice already you're doing it wrong

                                                                                      zonk »

                                                                                      yeah shaving my junk is nice but i always love shaving my ass. i keep putting it off because it's a hassle, but when im finally done... wow. so much more comfortable... if you're a man and you don't shave your ass, you're missing out!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                      3 ★ 1 ↺

                                                                                      bonkmaykr »

                                                                             NOOOOO PLEASE I BEG YOU DON'T SHAVE MY ASSSSS PLEASEEEE NOOOOOO I'LL DO AAAANYTHING JUST LEAVE MY BUTT HAIRS ALONEEEE


                                                                                        zonk »

                                                                                        @bonkmaykr you don't have to do all that 😭 it's just some hair buddy 😭

                                                                                          cool_boy_mew boosted

                                                                                          Punished Kero »


                                                                                          cool_boy_mew »

                                                                                          @MK2boogaloo god I miss when TF2 just had dedicated servers and they were plentiful

                                                                                          Fuck matchmaking

                                                                                          Fuck publisher control

                                                                                          Some of the best multiplayer I've ever got was on TF2 dedicated servers and the 4chan partyvan server

                                                                                          Everything else is too cucked to have fun

                                                                                            🐍 SuperSnekFriend 🐍 »

                                                                                            I lived this reality and watched as the hobby rulers and elites murder what was good.


                                                                                              Punished Kero »

                                                                                              @SuperSnekFriend while I'm not really a fan of online gaming, I can understand. I used to play a lot of Co-op games on my consoles, you only need to push one button to add more player and then you're ready to go. Now it seems that game devs are unable to even make something their predecessors are used to.


                                                                                                cool_boy_mew »

                                                                                                @MK2boogaloo @SuperSnekFriend And believe it or not, I'm not into FPS. I've only ever been in the original UT99 (played just a bit online but people were WAY too strong) and TF2 and that's it

                                                                                                  bonkmaykr boosted

                                                                                                  Vulcanic Lover »

                                                                                                  Kind of bizarre to see the original image remade into something with more artistic value but which worsens the point.


                                                                                                    Punished Kero »

                                                                                                    @Hephaestic the point still stands clear though, dedicated server is where it's at.


                                                                                                      Vulcanic Lover »

                                                                                                      You mean
                                                                                                      DEDICATED SERVER
                                                                                                      DEDICATED SERVER
                                                                                                      DEDICATED SERVER
                                                                                                      DEDICATED SERVER
                                                                                                      DEDICATED SERVER

                                                                                                      as opposed to


                                                                                                      You know, the text and scribble-heavy layout actually caused me to parse this as two columns and it made the whole thing weirder.

                                                                                                        bonkmaykr boosted

                                                                                                        beard »

                                                                                                        one of the best spongebob gags


                                                                                                        Mr.NutterButter »

                                                                                                        @beardalaxy that's got to be an expensive costume or SpongeBob and Patrick are just incredibly broke.

                                                                                                        And considering how much SpongeBob gets paid by Mr Krabs and Patrick being a neet I think they're probably broke.

                                                                                                          bonkmaykr boosted

                                                                                                          Kimochi Whyui (Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?) »

                                                                                                          beautiful bird with testicles

                                                                                                          bonkmaykr boosted

                                                                                                          Foxes Every Hour » 🤖

                                                                                                          Via flickr (Charlie Marshall)
                                                                                                          #Fox #Bot

                                                                                                          A red fox stands in lush green and densely grown grass. Ears are folded back and it looks a bit spooked.

                                                                                                          Alt...A red fox stands in lush green and densely grown grass. Ears are folded back and it looks a bit spooked.

                                                                                                            bonkmaykr boosted

                                                                                                            Foxes Every Hour » 🤖

                                                                                                            Via flickr (Anthony Quintano)
                                                                                                            #Fox #Bot

                                                                                                            A really cute young red fox sitting in the sun on partly burned wooden planks.

                                                                                                            Alt...A really cute young red fox sitting in the sun on partly burned wooden planks.

                                                                                                              bonkmaykr boosted

                                                                                                              Arctic Fox Daily » 🤖


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