
CEO Canithesis Interactive, sysadmin Worlio LLC
wipEout and THE FINALS fan
Linux enthusiast, Java / C# / C++ Dev
Old computer freak, FSF donor
Missouri, United States

I made the Firestar Mod Manager for Playstation Vita. Currently working on a danmaku shooter game called "Time Falcon". My posts can range anywhere from deep nerd thoughts to brainless shitposting.

Followers of all kinds welcome - just be respectful. We respect the first amendment here. That being said, I do not get along well with Nazis or weird conspiracy theorists so be nice.

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bonkmaykr »

I agree with most of this (as an atheist, for context) except the Jewish propoganda part. that's just silly. blaming the jews for everything is as stupid as calling everything satanic, changing the scapegoat doesn't make it less weird

There was a lot to be worried about, but the simple and correct answer is that the "jewish propoganda" you speak of was literally just average "occult" themed counter-culture that kids enjoyed because they wanted to be independent. It isn't that deep.

"If I am being further charitable, the FCC and other Fed agencies had basically outlawed real talk about fags and nogs by that point"
How so?
People were still plenty critical of homosexuality around this time. It was still considered too abnormal by many.


    The Daily Stormer Digest »

    @bonkmaykr Father Coughlin. He had 30 million radio listeners in the 30s, and was on point about fags and Jews. The National Association of Broadcasters forced the cancellation of his show by 1942.

    Rush Limbaugh, upon his death, posthumously took flak for relatively tame anti-gay bits he had run in the 80s. Notice he stopped running them.

    Jews being at the center of television propaganda, along with the rest of the long Semitic march through the institutions, that has destroyed America, is such an obvious point and theme, both for many (if not the majority) of accounts on Poast, and for The Daily Stormer, that justifying it here is beyond the scope of what I have time for. I assume you've heard of the Wikipedia Early Life check? I would start there, if you were inclined to pursue the question further.


      Crit »

      @DailyStormerDigest @bonkmaykr I still remember Rush warning that a war between the Gs and Ts would end up ruining everything.

      ...I see the opinion audit just went from 99.8 to 99.9% correct.
